Monday, November 30, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Remove A Dog's Ski

Le retour du blog - A la demande generale...

As time passes (too) fast.

What was happening in 6 months? A new job

Two new roommates at home

A new passion for both of us, revived an old Ivan

A year 2010 that looks very busy ...

Stay tuned, I will not let you down this time!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

How Much The Ceragem Bed Coct

Sample form for submitting an activity: basketball

Playing basketball

- I play basketball in a gymnasium.
- In the game of basketball, there are two teams playing against each other.
- My team must put the ball in the basket which is defended by the opposing team.
- The opposing team must put the ball in the basket that my team is defending.
- The team that wins is the one who scored more baskets as the other.

When the game starts, if I'm on the field, I can do several things:
- If one of my teammates got the ball, I can try to put me away from my opponents to make me a pass. It is possible that my teammate did not pass me the ball even though I am far from an opponent.
- If I have the ball and I want to travel with him, I have to bounce the ball on the ground without stopping, it is called dribbling.
- If I dribble and I stop, I must take my ball, I can not go back, if I commit a foul is called the "recovery of dribble."
- If I close enough to the basket, I can try to throw the ball to pass through the net from above.
- I can also pass the ball to one of my teammates.
- If a player from another team has the ball, I must take to prevent the basket without touching the player.

Students love to play basketball because they like to try to score baskets.
If I score a basket, if I take a ball to an opponent, if I am going to my partners, they are happy.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hookup Receiver Without Hdmi

Scenarios social Carole Gray

social scenarios are tools created by Carole Gray, speech in the early 1990s. At a meeting of EPS, it observes a student with autism completely bewildered by the play performed without difficulty by his comrades. She writes a scenario that explains the rules of the game and works every day of the following week. Back on the field, the student understands the rules and can take part in the game with his friends.
The experiment was repeated at other times with the same result.
scenarios focusing on social situations, they were called social scenarios.
A social scenario responds to specific rules developed. They meet the specific needs of each student.
should therefore first:
-observed situations difficult for people
- to examine the responses of the wrong person
Then write a script that includes four office types phrases:
- Descriptive objective presentation of the situation
- Prospects: reaction and feelings of others in the situation
- guidelines: has the appropriate response
- Control: written by the person serves as a reminder for the average person.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sell Trailer Ontario Plate

Notre premier project de construction: le conteneur de compost

The former owners of our house we had left the wooden planks in the garage, in good condition. Similarly, when we installed the new wooden fence, we had to remove a piece the former.
With all this wood, we decided to build our first "outdoor" means a container of compost timber. The plates are in front of wooden rails, we can remove if you want to turn the compost. We therefore

unpins boards (the old fence) recloue boards to form the container, sawing pieces needed to form the wooden rails on the side ... and here it is: The train

landlords left of Our House In The Garage wood pieces. A lot. In good shape. MoreOver, When We The New fence installed, We Had to remove part of the Old wood fence And We Kept The Woods, in good shape too.
With all this great wood, weekends Decided to build our first outdoor project: the compost container. The wood pieces on the front are removable so that we can turn the compost.

Hence we did un-nail the wood (former fence), nail them together to build the container, saw the wood...we felt like real carpenters:

Men Wearing Women Underwear

Notre jardin! Nuestro Jardin! Our Garden!

Notre jardin a bien grandit, grace aux pluies diluviennes, orages, et grand soleil:

Our garden is growing strong, thanks to stormy weather, torrential rains and sun:

Who could tell me what is pushing? You do not remember all what we plant ...

Who Can Tell Me What is Growing? We do not remember What We plant ... oops ...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Do All State Ids Have Holograms

Scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine offer a new theory of autism. Examples

For the latest scientific autism few months, visit the Blog Autism Information Science

Original text

Scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Yeshiva University have proposed a new theory of autism enlarged suggesting that the brains of people with autism is structurally normal but deregulated, which means that symptoms of the disorder may be reversible. The central tenet of the theory, published in the March issue of the journal Brain Research Reviews ", is that autism is a developmental disorder caused by impaired regulation of the defective locus coeruleus , a set of neurons in the brain that processes sensory signals from all parts of the body.

The new theory stems from decades of anecdotal evidence about some autistic children who seem to improve when they have fever, but regress when the fever subsides. A 2007 study in the journal Pediatrics looked at more seriously about fever and autism, observing autistic children during and after episodes of fever and comparing their behavior with autistic children who have no fever . This study found that the experimental behavior of autistic children change during fever.

"On a positive note, we are talking about a brain region that is changed irrevocably. This gives us hope that with new therapies, we will be able to help people with autism, "says co-author Mark F. Mehler, MD, chairman of the chair of neurology and director of the Institute for Brain Disorders and Neural Regeneration "to Einstein.

Autism is a complex developmental disability that affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with others. It usually appears during the first three years of life. Autism is known as autism spectrum disorder "because it affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. An estimated one in 150 American children has some degree of autism.

Einstein Researchers conclude that the scientific evidence pointing directly to the locus coeruleus-noradrenergic (LC-NA) as a system involved in autism. "The LC-NA system is the only system of the brain involved in both production and fever in the control of behavior," says co-author Dominick P. Purpura, MD, dean emeritus and professor of neuroscience at Einstein. The locus coeruleus

has extensive connections to brain regions that process sensory information. It secretes the bulk of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in triggering defense mechanisms, such as "fight or flight". He is also involved in a variety of complex behaviors, such as focused attention (the ability to focus attention on environmental cues in relation to a manual task, or to shift its focus from one task to a other). Attention deficit is a characteristic of autism.

"What is unique is that the locus coeruleus activates almost all higher-order centers in the brain that are involved in complex cognitive tasks," says Dr Mehler.

The hypothesis of doctors and Purpura Mehler is that in Autism, the LC-NA interaction is deregulated by environmental or genetic factors or by epigenetic (chemicals that regulate gene expression both within and outside of the genome). They think that stress plays a central role in the deregulation of the LC-NA system, especially in the later stages of prenatal development when the fetal brain is particularly vulnerable.

As proof, researchers point to a 2008 study, published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, found a higher incidence of autism in children mothers were exposed to hurricanes and tropical storms during pregnancy. Maternal exposure to severe storms in the middle of gestation resulted in the highest prevalence of autism.

The hypothesis of doctors and Mehler Purpura is that autistic children, fever stimulates the LC-NA and temporarily restores its normal regulatory function. "This could only happen if the autism was caused by an injury or a structural abnormality of the brain," said Dr. Purpura.

"This gives us hope that we will eventually be able to do something for people Autism " says he.

Researchers do not advocate therapy fever (fever caused by artificial means) to be too broad, and perhaps even a dangerous remedy. Instead, they say, the future of autism treatment is probably the drugs that selectively target certain types of noradrenergic receptors in the brain or, more probably, through epigenetic therapies targeting genes LC system -NA.

"If the locus coeruleus is altered in autism, it probably is because tens or hundreds or thousands of genes deregulation are subtle and complex, "says Dr Mehler." The only way to reverse this process through epigenetic therapies, which we begin to learn, have the ability to coordinate the integration of vast networks of genes ".

" The message here is one of hope but also caution, "said Dr. Mehler." You can not take a complex neuropsychiatric disease, which has eluded our understanding of 50 years and a once a treatment that goes to the reverse - it's madness. On the other hand, we now have clues to the neurobiology, genetics, Epigenetics and autism. To move forward, we must invest more money in the basic sciences to examine the genome and epigenome more focused. "Translation

Blog Autism Information Science

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Small Red Bump On End Of Nose That Wont Go Away

This text dates from 2007 and is published in the journal The letter of Autism France.

Preamble: This article discusses the teaching of Physical Education and Sports, which we call PSE in secondary education (colleges and high schools). It therefore relates to all children between 11 and 18 since the mastery of academic content corresponding to the age of the student with autism is not a prerequisite for participation in the meeting of EPS

In April 2005, a study of the Directorate of research, studies, evaluation and statistics showed that "Only 10% of school-age children with autism benefit from inclusive education or vocational training in mainstream (part time or full time) , against 28% for disabled children the same age do not have autism or syndromes related. "

In 2007, few children with autism who attend courses and Physical Education (PE) in schools, colleges and universities in French. If the principle of the education of students with disabilities is now recognized in legislation and speeches, the realization by cons, uncertain or nonexistent in most schools. Their presence in the meetings of EPS is more an experiment than compulsory education until the age of 16.

Based on this observation, we will show after have briefly presented the EPS and ASD why Physical Education and Sports of the child with autism is critical to student development and how the EPS is already largely organized for the education of students with autism .

Provided you follow a few simple principles that we will state, Physical Education and Sports could be a "gateway" in colleges and high schools for many students who, until now, can not access high school. We conclude the necessary evolution physical education as part of the implementation of the policy of education of disabled students.

The Physical Education

The Sports and Physical Education has the goal to develop the motor skills of students and allow them access to a common culture through sports and physical activities of expression . It gives students the means to manage their health at different ages.
The Sports and Physical Education is a compulsory school subject that is open to all students enrolled, since there is no proven medical indication cons.
autism spectrum disorders, including autism is a part, are not an indication cons medical practice physical activity at school. Therefore, students with autism to participate in school physical education classes and sports. The Sports and Physical Education is taught in primary school teachers and school teachers. The weekly volume theory is 5 hours per week EPS.
In colleges and high schools, they are teachers of Physical Education and Sports who teach the subject for four hours per week for sixth, three hours for the 5th, 4th, 3rd and 2 hours for high school students. The participation of all students in PE classes is the general rule and applies to all: only one-cons medical indication may limit its scope.

The Directorate of School Education in 2004 states: "Some students have disabilities or functional impairments that nevertheless allow an EPS adjusted. In conjunction with the medical authority school PE teachers organize their practice and their integration. " Teachers Sports and Physical Education are appointed by competition to the end of an academic background includes four years of teaching pedagogy, didactics for Sports and Expression, anatomy, physiology, history APS, sociology, psychology. They thus have an academic background that enables them to adjust the educational principles that are now used as a basis for effective interventions to help people with autism to develop.

Among the tasks assigned to the teacher they will report EPS of instruction, acquisition Knowledge and know-how, the construction of autonomy. To carry out its missions, Professor of Physical Education and Sports as holder uses sports and physical activities of expression. The Ministry of Youth and Sports are over 300 sports practiced by more than 31 million people 15 to 75 years. The actual number of people engaged in physical activity is more important because neither the practice of children under 15 years or walking trip or hunting are taken into account. Physical activities are a major element in the socialization of people in France. However, the teaching of education Physics is not identical with the teaching of sports practices. The performance is taken into account but it is not the most important element of physical education. The teacher conducts a necessary adaptation of practices to achieve the objectives assigned by the official guidelines governing the matter. The work of adapting the objectives, rules, playing surfaces, produced by the PE teachers requires some adjustments to take into account the behavioral and developmental characteristics of children with autism.

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Among the definitions of autism, we retain that of Catherine Milcent: "Autism can be defined as a disorder of the loop 'social perception / action completed'." Autism is characterized by a deficit in social perception, deficits in verbal and nonverbal communication, imagination and a lack of traction finalized towards a social goal. Cons by stereotyped motor exists or centered on self-stimulation.

motility as students with autism is atypical and its orientation is rarely centered around communication with others. The motor problems appear very early in the development of the child before the age of one year, the child has hypotonia: the child does not fit the person wearing it and behaves as a rag doll. Young children with autism may also have trouble swallowing. Facial expressions are reduced. Between 1 and 2 years, the child shows atypical postures. Strategies for turning back on his stomach significantly different from those used by children without autism. During this period one can also note a poor visual attention, a mouthing objects, an aversion to physical contact, hypotonia and praxis difficulties common to children with autism.

The study of motor skills of the developing child with autism reveals a disruption of the power of motion, characterized by several points from the following: disturbance of muscle tone and / or nervous tone (hypotonia, hypertonia), slowness of movement (bradykinesia), involuntary movements, a strange approach (on tiptoe), abnormal postures, a deficit of motor imitation (see the file on mirror neurons, which appeared in the magazine For Science "February 2007), chorea (St. Vitus, convulsion), difficulties in balance in 70% of cases, a lack of handedness and difficulty in the ability to plan and execute movements in the absence of motor symptoms (dyspraxia). By assigning Physical Education and Sport for the first goal the development of motor skills through physical activities and sports, the legislature makes it an ideal tool for educating students with autism to a motor more "efficient" and more "social".

EPS and general teaching strategies

didactic treatment of any sport requires an adaptation of the public concerned by the objectives pursued by the teacher. This adaptation begins with an assessment of motor skills of students from the constraints of activity: moving forward collectively a rugby ball by passes backwards does not mobilize the same resources and skills than those required by crossing a hurdle during a race. Similarly, there are several options to advance towards a rugby ball Brand opposing surface. These options are not mastered by all students. We must help students choose those that best match their current capabilities so that they realize their actions drive safely.
Taking account of the assessment skills of its students, the teacher chooses the EPS objectives for its class at the end of the cycle and organizes learning so as to enable its students to achieve the objectives set. The majority of educational principles used by PE teachers to develop learning engines are already used as part of educational strategies in autism:

Preponderance visuals

The best place for the practice of Physical Education and Sports is the gymnasium, stadium, swimming pool The dojo ... The teacher uses the facilities originally designed for the practice of competitive sports. He must therefore change the game space to suit its objectives. This adaptation is essentially visual: line drawings temporary plots to harness the travel, playing surfaces, targets reach, areas to avoid, scoreboard, bibs for organizing groups are part of the arsenal used by teachers to visually organize the learning situation.

Analysis and cutting task

The practice of sport and physical activity by a large number of people has resulted in the identification and demonstration by the most powerful of these techniques effective in solving problems related to the practice: for example, the discovery and spread of the crossing technique dorsal (Fosbury flop) jumping in height. This high level model of practice is not directly transferable to beginners. The discovery, confrontation of students with some principles derived from the techniques proposed by the practitioner needs a high-level learning. The teacher identifies the relevant elements of the solution given by the practitioner level, and suggests that learning involves cutting the overall technical in small units within the reach of the student. Depending on the broader goals chosen by the teacher for his class and skill level of each student, the teacher will choose among units, those that seem most accessible to the student, placed in a learning situation, and not failing.

Repeating tasks

Working for a more efficient motor gesture requires time and repetition. Few people are capable and students to invent original solutions to problems posed drive through sport. Repeat a similar gesture a number of times and ensure its successful implementation remains the surest way to permanently change the shape of a movement.

Prioritization of tasks

As part of a complex behavior involving multiple nested simple movements, the teacher who cut behavior and identified actions to be taken will provide the student to work part movement. Generally, it will propose to start with simple movements most basic and most accessible to students.

Efficiency verbal instructions

Give a brief verbal instructions, explicit and easily understandable is an obligation for teachers who must manage a group class in an environment as binding as a gymnasium attended by 60 students or when either apply to a group of students located in the opposite corner of an athletics track with a headwind. His verbal instructions should be effective, short and easily understandable. The sound signals are limited and enhanced by visual cues. Routine allows an organization to improve efficiency.

Predictability: The routines of the organization and operation

During the school year, students must engage in activities resulting from the 8 groups of activities: athletics, gymnastics, swimming, outdoor activities, art activities, opposition / cooperation, dual, combat. The entry in the activity goes through a start-up, a general warm-up followed by a specific warm. This essential step to preventing risks to the physical practice can usefully be ritualized and supported by students independently, under the supervision of the teacher. It's the same for cutting a sequence in a group activity.

Example in team sport:
1. Call
2. Makeready
3. General Warm
4. Warm specific
5 Grouping General
6. Driving an exploration technique
7. Enhancing 2-
8. General Grouping: Training teams of 3 students and details of the operating rules
9. Scrimmage: application of the previous technical work
10. Record group class

repetitive and predictable organization saves valuable time by limiting the time of explanation, organizational, management groups. Knowledge by students of different forms of organization groups (pairs, team, opposition, partner, etc ...) allows teachers to save time on the practice in action.

Management heterogeneity

There is no typical profile of the student division. Teachers of Physical Education and Sports need to manage such classes in the sixth over 25 pupils, boys and girls, ages 10 to 12 years, weighing between 25 and 70 pounds, measuring 1.20 m and 1.60 m and with different levels of physical practice very disparate. The solutions found by the PE teachers are rendered obsolete by the enrollment of a student with autism. Last


The wide range of proposed activities is sometimes the student is unable to initiate a movement because the task at hand seemed out of reach. In this case, a classmate or the teacher can invite students to achieve what is expected of him. EPS, this prompt can be verbal, visual demonstration the task at hand, gesture, pointing to the student, the place, the equipment concerned. The calls made by the teacher or a peer may be partial or total physical where the student can not achieve alone exercise.

Management aid

To enable students to make a move, the teacher uses various forms of assistance: it can use a manual or guidance consisting of a physical modeling allows the student to achieve safe movement inaccessible, including and the sequence of sequences. The guidance manual

can be used to help achieve by intervening at the right time. It may also be of assistance to facilitate the movement through a safe and reassuring presence. The teacher may opt for using sign language, pointing to the essential element to achieving the task (pointing a direction, a partner, an empty space).

A visual aid can be given by the arrangement of the environment (targets delineated field boundaries) or by persons (demonstration). The teacher can then opt for a guidance verbal but it requires great precision, knowledge by the student of a technical vocabulary, proximity, a quiet environment.

Management latency

The PE classes are organized into a sequence of motor actions more or less intensive alternating with times of recovery or reorganization of the group or class : change workshops, changing groupings, especially time for explanations and recovery time. The student then alternates with the working time of recovery time. These time Recovery can be arranged: files, observation, arbitration, parade, timing.

Work together in open

Once the workplace of the teacher is a private or public dimension to the sporting spectacle and could accommodate at the same time many teachers, even public, the notion of closed class is meaningless. In daily practice, the teacher of EPS is brought to share with other colleagues in the same geographical location, equipment, a common space. His place of practice may also be public and educational intervention also becomes public. The place of performance of the EPS is an open space or collaboration between adults is required. In this context, the presence of a school carer poses no particular problem.

Working in cooperation with peers

Whatever activity practiced support, students who do not practice in collaboration with peers. When operating in an individual activity such as athletics, it does safe provided that the other participants are taken into account because they live in the same workspace.
The opposition group activities require a high level of communication, activities require a dual socket permanent information on the movements and intentions of the partner deducted contrast, the arts take their meaning through collaboration and cohesion between group members. The development of communication and interaction between members of a group of students is an obligation in the PE classes.

Developed by physical education teachers, the management principles of physical activity which have been set up a large proportion of strategies used specifically for the education of children with autism spectrum disorder (TEACCH, ABA).

Their systematization by teachers of Physical Education and Sports should not be a problem since most already use in their daily practice. More than any other activity, at most, it is necessary to plan the main stages in the development of a proposed enrollment of a student with autism.

A chronology possible enrollment of students with an EPS Autism

The education of a student with autism in PE classes requires collection of information on the current functioning of the child before intervention and then adjusting the practice to its characteristics during the course. You will find below an example of a timeline that should facilitate the education of students with autism and their increased proportion in PE lessons This example is just as the teacher to a student who receives EPS with

Autism in its course to parents who can offer by way of example so that this chronology their child is welcomed in the best possible conditions. This example represents only a small proportion of the visible part of the process should be put in place to educate a student with autism.

Before the session

1. I collect information about the child from parents, professionals who follow him, colleagues who have worked with him, aids health, AVS-I .. Such information includes:

- what the child likes

- that the child hates

- points strengths of the child

- its responsiveness to sensory stimuli

- specific motor skills

- his motor difficulties

- the preferred method of communication that uses

- the quality of its expressive and receptive communication

- its capacity for imitation and attention

2. I prepare my speech, using tools adapted to the child's current skills (mainly visual) that will locate in the spatial and temporal organization of the meeting

The child should know:

- what to do (photos, demo)

- with whom he does (group spotted with patches, friends),

- how long it lasts ( timer, stopwatch, scoreboard)

- what he did after (time visual routines for transition: transition to the locker room and change clothes).

3. I am mindful of the chronological age of the child and its development

- I plan to place the child with autism in groups that correspond to both his chronological age and stature.

4. I foresee the development of the physical environment, taking into account the skills of the child

During surgery

1. The work involved is viewed through demonstrations, pictures, target, space delimited by dots, lines, nets, poles, carpets according to the level of understanding of the child.

2. Relevant conditions of each task are identified and highlighted. Ex: Serving in badminton I prime the movement of the arm holding my racket when my other hand opens to drop the steering wheel.

3. The proposed activity is decomposed into elementary steps easily accessible to the child's success is evaluated for each step completed.

Example: The decomposition of the sequence of archery can be decomposed as follows: the sequence of motor acts, the respiratory sequence, the visual sequence, the sequence of motor images: Example sequence of motor acts:

* Installation: I position myself in relation to the target, I take my ground support equipment, I put my arrow on the bow

* Preparation: I position my hand on the grip and the other on the rope

Préarmement *: I raise my bow to the target me growing

* Armament: I pull on the rope while resisting before

* Shoots: I let the rope while holding in position the arm holding the bow

4. The proposed activity is gradually complicated

Example: put into play badminton

* I plan upward steering wheel landed on my racquet

* I hit the bottom up a loose wheel by a partner 15 cm above my racket

* I hit the bottom up a steering wheel that I just let go with the help of Professor

* I hit the bottom up a steering wheel that I just let go

5. A reward system is specifically set up to replace that which is usually used (encouragement, attention and smiles from the teacher, score, winning the match, the peer valuation). These systems are generally ineffective conventional building and must be replaced temporarily by a system tailored to the student with autism

6. I propose activities positive that will not put the child in difficulty. The teacher has the choice of activities. He can choose according to the facilities and equipment at his disposal activities that will not put the child in difficulty between a cycle of traditional games extremely demanding in terms of social communication and fluctuating rules and codified more than a team sport, the teacher will choose the second choice.

7. I manage the aid application and I get organized so that the child has procedures to seek help in case of difficulties.

During an interaction with students with autism, when I interact with students:

1. I manage with that I bring to the student: *

verbal, visual, gestural, and physical, from low to high to allow the student time to explore

* Physics, gestural, visual, verbal, from strongest to weakest in order to help students achieve a full sequence, safely, to help create a new chain, to help develop safe

2. I speak to the student taking into account the characteristics of his disability: * I speak

avoiding concrete pictorial forms, abstractions, ironic formulation, the second degree

* I speak little and clear up the essential

* I make my request at the end of a sentence so students hear the end of this sentence which is requested

* I speak slowly and clearly by detaching my words

* I speak either on a monotone, either on a slow

* I speak in terms of expected behavior

* I use the only strong voice in an emergency and danger

* I limit my facial expressions and my nonverbal communication

3. I expect a response within a reasonable time (between 5 and 10 seconds) before making my question the same

4. I give my instructions visually with gestures, signs, pictures, objects

5. I question with closed questions "Where is the target? "And not" why did not you tried to reach the target? "

6. I move calmly and quietly I enter in the field of view of student

7. I left alone the child who is conducting an activity satisfactorily and I do not interrupt, including the welcome: I await the conclusion of the event!

8. I reward and reinforce the behaviors I expected and I ritualizes accompanying the social reward of a bonus (encouragement, congratulations, applause, handshakes) to prepare the necessary initial blurring of rewards, especially when they are of a primary (food ).

9. I ignore the inappropriate behavior (provided they do not involve the safety of the student, a student or group) so that the student uses to attract my attention.

10. I do not propose any alternative pleasurable activity in response to a behavioral disorder.

11. I focus on what the student is positive and I do not center on the error made at the risk of a repeat.


The Physical Education develops motor skills that are problematic for most children with autism, proposes the development a motor-based sport and physical activity, socially codified and practiced by a majority of people. It is supervised by teachers trained in general education interventions, which were the basis for the development of educational strategies for autism. It appears that it has great potential to be the starting point of re-schooling of students with autism in secondary education. The education of students with autism will not fail to question the matter EPS points as essential as the role of performance evaluation, management of the heterogeneity of the group, the relevance of the rating, the validity of models for prioritizing skills, interest in the classification of APS, the proper object of the EPS, the ratio of EPS and APS Far appear as a constraint, the education of students with autism in PE classes is fundamental to the progress of the material EPS, looking for a proper object to its teaching, its necessary adaptation to a public constant evolution.

Gerard Mercuriali - Parent and PE teacher.

Print site Autism and Schooling

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Buys Salvaged Motorcycles Ontario

Les meilleures meatballs "al colombiano"

When Ivan told me to buy ground beef, because I want to try a recipe for meatballs, I jumped in my car to go directly to Trader Joe's ....
For when he says "I want to try", it means he will cook for us, too early! He is responsible for meat, and I do the rest.

the basic ingredients:
Ground meat (beef or turkey)
4 or 5 egg whites 1 egg yolk

1 cup or 200 grams of oatmeal
Salt, pepper, other spices "al gusto"

Cooking time: 20 minutes in the oven, TermoStat

After 7-8, we can make changes by adding finely chopped onion , cheese grater, etc..

These meatballs, a super protein because of egg white and meat but low in fat (provided that the meat does not contain many proved to be the best dumplings for me. Muchas Gracias mi


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Women Flashers Movies

Who needs a pick up truck when you have a Chevrolet Aveo?

My Car:

Me and my car and some furniture from Ikea ...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Aroused Brazilian Wax

Zachery Tims And 2010

EPS and new programs

(in progress)

EPS and new programs

Bulk Fresh Chicken Wings

Cognitive approach

(being drafted, amended April 24, 2009)

Profile heterogeneous
The study of intellectual abilities of people with autism show overall:
- a verbal IQ performance IQ below
- highly developed space capabilities that can be expressed in some individuals in skills outstanding artistic
- a storage capacity of effective since it does not involve memory processes of organizing data

Surfonctionnement perceptual

This model is explored by Lawrence Mottron , head of the Specialized Clinic Autism, Hôpital Rivière-des-Prairies.
Research shows a significant difference between the perceptions of people with autism and neurotypical people (developing without autism).
The perception of people with autism work more independently vis-à-vis voluntary processes, systems of representation and emotions.
Research results show a significantly more effective in people with autism but with some nuances. Performance down under certain conditions if the movement is at stake, or when testing selective attention.
In the article "motion perception and imitation in autism," published in the journal Children, Vol 60 / 2, the authors that the capacity for imitation of bodily gestures or facial vary depending on the speed of presentation. Imitative performance increase when the presentation is slowed. This is particularly relevant if the application is aimed at people with more severe autism.

hyposensitive and / or hypersensitive
A person with autism may have sensory modality for the same characteristics of hyper or hypo different times. It can react to a confusing or painful stimuli or be fascinated by stimulation.

Central Coherence (the tree not the forest)
Developed by Uta Frith, the theory postulates the existence in any person an ability to combine information into a coherent whole, taking into account context.
People with autism see the world more fragmented. They integrate the data they receive from their environment in a less consistent and take less out of context.
Grasping the gist of the situation is much more difficult for a person with autism for a person without autism.

Executive functions Executive functions encompass a set of crucial mechanisms involved in the action planning step by step adaptation of the action in a new context, the organized search for solutions to a problem, control se, behavioral control, inhibition of incorrect answers.
deficits of these are identified in many people with developmental disabilities but they are not systematic in people with autism. However, deficits in behavioral change and in planning may be characteristic of autism.

Theory of mind (the ability to understand what others think know believe)
Place yourself in the shoes of someone, get an idea of what he thinks about what he feels on what he knows is an activity that requires a cognitive mechanism.
This mechanism called theory of mind is important in social relationships because it helps to understand the words and actions of our partners and anticipate. Private
this mechanism, it becomes very difficult to understand the actions of those around us. Their behavior becomes unpredictable.
People with autism tend to experience difficulties with the theory of mind, regardless of their intellectual abilities.

The excellent text by Charles Durham " THE SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE AUTISTIC PERSON " from a conference EDI Training is still valid.

Information Processing (

Language (receptive and expressive communication)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tattoos And Keratosispilaris

Bibliography Chronology

  • Alain Berthoz Autism: From Research to Practice
  • Alain Lazartigue Autism spectrum disorders: From early detection to Support
  • Beaugerie Anne Perrot Inclusive Education and Autism

  • Barbara Donville Defeat Autism
  • Bernadette Rogé Autism: Understanding and acting
  • Brian L. Baker Autonomy Walkthrough: Teaching everyday skills to children with learning difficulties
  • Carole Tardif Autism
  • Catherine Barthelemy Autism in children: the exchange therapy and development
  • Catherine Maurice Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with Autism Autism
  • Christine and Philip D. parenting
  • (Dominica) Savage Autism Infant and Young Child
  • Daniel Tammet Embracing the vast sky: The brains of geniuses
  • Donna Williams Somebody
  • Donna Williams If you touch me I no longer
  • E . Schopler Profile psycho-educational for teenagers and adults (PSDA)
  • Elizabeth
  • Motsch The Snipe
  • Eric Schopler Teaching activities for autistic children
  • Eric Willaye Assessment and Intervention-behavior challenges: intellectual impairment and / or autism (1Cédérom)
  • Giacomo Rizzolatti Mirror neurons
  • Gilbert Lelord Exploration of Autism: The doctor, the child and his mother
  • Temple Grandin My life with autism

  • Grubar JC. Autism & Inclusion: Work and Research
  • Jean-Louis Adrien Early Childhood Autism: Psychological development and regulation of the activity
  • Jeanne Marie Préfaut Mom, not the hospital!
  • Judy Barron I, the autistic child
  • Kamran Nazeer let the idiots: The fascinating testimony of an autistic
  • Marian Sigman and her autistic child's development
  • Mark Haddon The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night
  • Mesibov
  • Autism: The Challenge of TEACCH
  • Michel Lemay Autism Today
  • Montreuil Practice for individualized intervention
  • Paul Tréhin behavior disorder associated with autism and other mental disabilities
  • Schopler Profile psycho-educational (PEP-R): Assessment and intervention for individual children with autism or developmental disorders
  • Simon Baron-Cohen mental blindness: An essay on autism and theory of mind
  • Theo Peeters Autism from adolescence to adulthood
  • Tony Attwood Asperger Syndrome Uta Frith
  • The riddle of autism
  • Vinca Riviere Applied Behavior Analysis in Child and Adolescent
  • Free Sip Software For W595

    (in progress)

    Chronology possible

    Before enrollment

     Collection of student information
     
    Highlights Interests (motivation)
      Communication Skills drive
    expressive, receptive
     Cooperation (required)
     Ability imitation (to work if bp)
     Benchmarks space-time person I
    what: photos, videos, gifs, demos
    Who: group, team, race number, avs-i
    How long: timer, stopwatch, timer, points, pile displacement
    And after: ritualized transition, employment time
     Chronological age and physical development
     Installation of the space environment
     Provide procedures for requesting assistance

    Preparation of the intervention (layout)

     Work to achieve viewed
     Demonstrations teachers, peers, AVS-I
     Highlighting relevant conditions of realization of the task
     Activity decomposed into elementary steps
     Proposed activity gradually complicated
     Provide an accessible System failure if
      reward specific
    Organization identical, parallel or mixed
     Management of waiting times
     Manage
    + using low to high: Verbal, Visual, Physical
    + strongest to weakest: Physics , Visual, Verbal

    During surgery (layout)

     I speak to students in speaking of "concrete"
     I speak little, simple phrase, and I make my request at the end of sentence
     I speak slowly and clearly
     I speak in a monotone or rhythmic
     I am speaking in terms of expected behaviors
     I reserve the strong voice for emergencies
     J'attens a response within a reasonable time
     I question with closed questions
    I move calmly  
    I leave the quiet student who works
     I reward and I reinforce the behavior adapted
     I do not know appropriate behaviors jump danger
     I avoid things that can be a fun activity after a disturbance

    Wednesday, April 8, 2009

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    It is rare to only hear about autism. The various writings autism rely on terms such as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD), autism, autism spectrum disorders (ASD) Autistic Syndrome. Recent data from scientific research show that there are different genetic causes, metabolic, neurological autism. We therefore speak of autism S .

    When you mention disorder, spectrum, autistic syndrome, it is always about autism, but as regards the designation of persons in whom autism is diagnosed, one should be cautious.
    Indeed, it is not uncommon to hear of the "autistic" or "autistic", the person is then summarized in a single characteristic: its difference. Even if we agreed with Kanner that "these children are born with an innate inability to form relationships with people emotionally usual, as some children are born with an innate physical or intellectual disability," it is unacceptable summarize the individual child, the student with a disability. After all, no one allows himself to use the term "chestnut hair" "green eyes" or "tall people" to designate a group of people with these characteristics.
    goes same for autism.
    people in difficulty of vocabulary should know that it is possible (and desirable) to talk about people with autism. An individual in the politically correct thinking will use the terminology "person with autism" or "person with autism". Recent research showing the variety of causes could guide us towards using more precise "Person with Autism" or "people with autism."

    Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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    elements promoting education

    (in progress)
    elements facilitating enrollment

     Preponderance visuals
     analysis, the task of cutting a set of simple units
      Repeating tasks
    Prioritization of tasks
    Efficiency   verbal instructions
    Predictability: organizational routines
      Management
    aid management of waiting times
    Working in cooperation  

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    (in progress)

    definition of autism ( Catherine Milcent )

    Autism is a disorder of the loop "social perception / action finalized "Before

    36 months:

    . Qualitative deficit of social perception

    . Qualitative deficit of verbal and nonverbal

    . Deficit in a motor finalized around a social purpose and existence of a stereotyped motor centered on self-stimulation

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    The term autism was first used in 1911 by psychiatrist Bleuler to designate withdrawal active in the imaginary world of schizophrenic patients.
    In 1938, Leo Kanner, an American psychiatrist receives for the first time in his clinic in Baltimore, a child of 5 years, Donald T., accompanied by his parents. They collected information on attitudes of their son bizarre since the age of 2 years. Donald has an amazing memory: he recognizes all the presidents in an encyclopedia, he can recite the alphabet, and the place upside down. But at the same time, he revels in solitude, he says little to affection, it includes language in a literal sense, he likes to make things turn and shake hands in the air. It reverses the pronominal forms, he said "will you take a bath? "Instead of" I want to take a bath! . Kanner the intuition that there is a particular behavior that presents remarkable and singular which is common to a group of children. The remarkable feature is the inability to establish a natural rapport with people from birth. Kanner implies that these children were born without the ability to create contact with people like'autres children are born with a physical or intellectual.
    Five years later, Leo Kanner was isolated from 11 cases, an entity it defines as:
    - Inability to connect
    - Failure to establish normal relations with people
    - Inability to react normally to situations since the beginning of life
    - Need immutability
    - Resistance to change
    - islets of ability (memory)
    These criteria are present in the two international classifications used reference today ' Today in the diagnosis of autism: the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10) of the World Health Organization and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) American Psychiatric Association.
    - Social Interactions
    - Communication
    - Drive: stereotypies, gestures repetitive TOC
    - imitation, symbolic play

    abnormalities were apparent before the age of 3

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    (in progress)

    References to drive atypical features are description of autism in the article by Leo Kanner princeps. Damasio and Maurer

    (1978) believe that disturbances of motility (movement) may be indicative of an underlying neurological dysfunction.

    motor abnormalities:

    Dystonia, bradykinesia (slow movements), restlessness, involuntary movements, muscle tone, gait, abnormal posture, facial symmetry resembling paralysis facial emotional expressions.

    abnormalities in motor development

    Between 9 and 12 months, with no difference between children with ASD and children with ASD:

    - poor visual attention

    - mouthing objects

    - aversion physical contact

    Adrian (1993) shows from home videos taken before 1 st anniversary of children who are diagnosed with autism hypotonia and lack of facial expression

    Between 12 and 24 months, videos highlight differences in the postures.

    choreic movements

    Difficulties balance (70% of children)

    gross motor performance: delay of 5 months

    No manual dominance

    Deficit motor imitation: Imitation

    on objects deficit is less than the imitation of hand gestures.

    Imitation is most affected in people with autism than for other disorders

    The study results induce theories which propose that the weak performance in imitation in autism are secondary to a deficit of praxis

    Sunday, April 5, 2009

    Spice Drawer Organizer

    Pumpkin Bread - Gateau a la citrouille

    Traditionally, pumpkin cake are very popular during the period from November to December for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
    I have not had the opportunity to make this recipe the last year. Trader Joes still selling the canned pumpkin (the best way to get the pumpkin porridge without bothering with a real pumpkin), I told myself that it was a good opportunity to try the recipe from my girlfriend Melissa.

    Traditionally, pumpkin bread are very popular Düring Thanksgiving and Christmas time here in the U.S.. I Did not Have the Opportunity to Try the recipe last year. I saw in Trader Joe Some cans pumpkin, and I Told Myself That Would Be this a great time to try it.

    Here is the recipe - thank you Melissa for having given me ....

    Here comes the recipe thanks to Melissa ...

    Ingredients: 2 cups sugar
    3 / 4 cup butter (softened at room temperature)
    pumpkin puree 1 CAN

    2 eggs 2 cups

    all purpose flour

    1 / 2 tsp salt

    1 / 2 tsp baking power

    1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp

    1 tsp cinnamon

    1 tsp ground cloves - I replaced it with 1 tsp cardamom
    I added a little bit of chocolate chip

    Preheat the oven at 325 F

    Beat the butter with sugar. Beat in with eggs, one at a time. Beat in pumpkin puree.

    Sift dry ingredients together and add to the first mix, and then add the chocolate chips.

    Pour into 2 buttered loaf pans.

    Bake one hour and 10 minutes or until knife is clean.

    Resultat: trop bon...

    Saturday, April 4, 2009

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    Fencing is not only a great sport to watch!

    The joys of learning a language is that we learn every day. As I often say "you Think You Know But You do not" basically, you think you know but actually you're still ignorant.

    The joy of learning a language Is That We Learn Something New Every Day. Usually I have say, "You Think You Know But You do not".

    For example, in English, the word signifie fencing fencing or fence .... That explains it.
    In french, the etymology of the word comes from the old fencing french escremie itself derived from Frankish "skirmjan" meaning: to defend, protect . I guess
    that Americans, seeing this sport for the first time, had to ask, but why they are on the fence to the face ... or maybe the origin of the word for this sport.

    For instance, in Français, The Word fencing has double meaning: it Describes The Sport featuring combat using swords (Among Others) goal as well What is Supposed to Be Around your house, at least in France, in the U.S., has Lots of houses have to Have a fence.

    If you're wondering if we have fencing practice last week, the answer is no.
    However, we did install a new fence around our property, a fence .
    To tell you a little background, when nous avons emmenage dans notre maison, il s'est avere qu'elle avait un grand terrain. Cependant, le jardin etait "coupe en deux", avec toute une partie cloturee separement du reste de la maison. En gros on avait deux petits terrains:

    Now, if you are wondering if we did practice fencing last week, the answer is no. However, we decided to install a new fence around our house. To put you in context, when we moved to our new home, it appeared that this house had a huge backyard, but you could not notice it because it was "cut" in half, one part of the garden had an ugly fence all around it.

    Premier terrain avec la maison et une belle cloture en bois:
    First part of the field, with a pretty wood fence and The House Itself

    The garage in the middle of two lots:
    The Two car garage in between:

    The second field with an iron grating, not very Elegant: The second part
    of the Field, With A Not So Elegant foil fence:

    So we decided for a nice wooden fence around the house including the garage.

    We Decided to replace The fence foil, and link to The Two fields all together, Including The Garage.

    The fence was removed and the poles installed:
    Fence is gone, wood post are in:

    After two days of "rain" that has prevented us from coming to work, they came four or five hours to finish the job.
    After Two Days of "rain" that prevented the Crew to come and work this project is, They Came With oven yesterday to five persons, and finish The Work.

    Sunday, March 29, 2009

    Lilli Carati Rocco Sifredi

    Plan and Motricity preamble

    The student with autism in college PE classes
    Educational strategies and instructional adaptations for schooling


    • Preamble
    • History
    • definition of autism
    • Terminology
    • Cognitive approach
    • Motricity atypical
    • EPS and new programs
    • Educational strategies tailored to autism
    • Adaptations educational
    • examples of field

    • Bibliography

    statement of principle that follows is taken from the book published in 1993 by Nicole Montreuil and Ghislain Magerotte, Practice for individualized intervention :
    "The person with behavioral problems or with a disability is a full participant in our society and is expected to play all social roles that each of us plays. "

    Will non-exclusion for disability requires taking into account the specific needs of the person making it necessary to make efforts to keep people in their natural environment (home, family circle, school, club, business ...).

    By welcoming students with autism in physical education and sport (PES) in the open in our college, we tried to apply this statement. The

    Part of the intervention will provide a theoretical summary of autism. The second part will focus on motor skills and ways of developing it in the context of the class.

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    Presentation Blog Autism and EPS

    B elcome to the blog Autism and EPS

    The purpose of the blog Autism and EPS is to promote the education of students with autism in PE classes. The Autism Blog

    and EPS is linked to the site Autism and Schooling dealing with the education of students with autism in college.

    To do this, it became necessary to divide our remarks into four parts.

    The presentation of autism in the first part is necessitated by the fact that autism is a term often used to refer to a negative assessment about a person, a current. This use is very simplistic and far from the negative characteristics of the autistic syndrome. The second point that makes the presentation crucial is that the current research is leading to new knowledge about autism. It is essential to have updated knowledge to best adapt its course. The form of the blog lends itself to this exercise. The information will be usefully supplemented by the visit of Blog Autism Information Science .

    In a second part, too theoretical, we will attempt to summarize the driving characteristics particular to autism, knowledge essential for performing activities in EPS on the development of motor skills of the student.

    The third part will be more convenient. After the presentation of new programs EPS in September 2009, it will address the problem of adapting general practices in connection with the particularities of the functioning autism.

    The last part is to propose ways intervention on the ground that reflect the knowledge developed earlier.

    A brief bibliography completes the ensemble.

    This blog is in addition to action taken under the second edition of the International Congress of integration through sport held on 2 and 3 April 2009 at the Faculty of Sport Villers -lès-Nancy.

    Friday, March 27, 2009

    Burning In Stomach And Throat

    Chimi-churri, a longlasting Colombian love story!

    Editor's Note: Post modified March 28th

    Apparently, according to Wiki, that would Churra Chimi from Argentina. According to Ivan, she is of Colombian origin.

    According To Wiki, The Chimes-churri Comes from Argentina. According To Ivan, It Comes from Colombia. Pick your battle.

    is a sauce made of coriander, used on grilled meats. If you talk to a Colombian, he will tell you that this sauce can be used on meats. By cons, if you want, you can use it on anything, but it will be less traditional - my colleagues working in the U.S. have asked my Colombian colleagues if we could use the chemical churri as salad dressing. My colleague Colombian refutes all uses other than meat. Elle m'a fait penser a mon ex-collegue italien en Suede...les Suedois utilisent de la sauce bearnaise sur les pizzas a son grand desespoir...

    It is a cilantro sauce, used on grilled meats. If you talk to a Colombian, he/she would tell you that Chimi-churri can only be used on meats. However, you can use it on anything you want, but it is not going as traditional as when using it on meats. You are warned!
    My US colleagues asked my Colombian colleague if they could use the Chimi-Churri as salad dressing, and they got a "no at all" as answer. This discussion reminded me my Italian colleague in Sweden. He was quite desperate to see Swedish people enjoying With pizza Bearnaise sauce

    Pizza med bearnaisesås:

    Here is my recipe Chimi Churra, it comes from the Sunday edition of The Wall Street Journal :

    130 gr coriander
    70 gr parsley
    120 ml olive oil
    80 ml of red wine vinegar
    2 cloves garlic - I used 4
    5 grams of dried red chili
    2.5 gr cumin
    5 to 6 grams of salt - I do ai pas utilise, car nous ne mangeons pas de sel, mais je conseille vivement de saler la sauce en fonction des gouts de chacun!

    Here comes the Chimi-Churri recipe, taken from the Sunday edition of the Wall Street Journal:

    1 cup cilantro leaves
    1/2 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves
    1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
    1/3 cup red wine vinegar
    2 garlic cloves -
    I used 4 garlic cloves because we love it!
    3/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
    1/2 tsp ground cumin

    1 tsp coarse salt - I didn't use any salt, only because We Do not eat salt, to feel free to salt your taste buds According To

    For my version has a mango, I simply replaced by eating parsley entire, very mature - she had stayed two weeks in my fridge.

    For the Mango version, I Replaced The parsley With A Whole ripped mango. Make sure The Mango est très ripped (mine Waited in my fridge for Two weeks) so thats the Taste of the mango really IS this

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    Accoustic Solutions Tv Keeps Switching Off

    Can it get any rainier and colder here in Charlotte? Chimi-Churri-Mango sword fish & Green Curry Milk Coco Rice

    And CAN Blog title get any longer Than That? I Doubt it!

    Looking back at last weekend, Where we enjoyed a very sunny Saturday and Sunday, We Came across Basketball An interesting field:

    Right side:

    Left side:

    Find out what is wrong! Ivan you mime the scene, without the ball but the heart is!

    Yesterday night, testing new recipes in my kitchen, I came up with:

    Swordfish With Mango-Chimi-Churra sauce
    Rice With A Green Curry - coconut milk sauce

    It gives this result:

    Recipes next issue ...