Thursday, April 9, 2009

Free Sip Software For W595

(in progress)

Chronology possible

Before enrollment

 Collection of student information
 
Highlights Interests (motivation)
  Communication Skills drive
expressive, receptive
 Cooperation (required)
 Ability imitation (to work if bp)
 Benchmarks space-time person I
what: photos, videos, gifs, demos
Who: group, team, race number, avs-i
How long: timer, stopwatch, timer, points, pile displacement
And after: ritualized transition, employment time
 Chronological age and physical development
 Installation of the space environment
 Provide procedures for requesting assistance

Preparation of the intervention (layout)

 Work to achieve viewed
 Demonstrations teachers, peers, AVS-I
 Highlighting relevant conditions of realization of the task
 Activity decomposed into elementary steps
 Proposed activity gradually complicated
 Provide an accessible System failure if
  reward specific
Organization identical, parallel or mixed
 Management of waiting times
 Manage
+ using low to high: Verbal, Visual, Physical
+ strongest to weakest: Physics , Visual, Verbal

During surgery (layout)

 I speak to students in speaking of "concrete"
 I speak little, simple phrase, and I make my request at the end of sentence
 I speak slowly and clearly
 I speak in a monotone or rhythmic
 I am speaking in terms of expected behaviors
 I reserve the strong voice for emergencies
 J'attens a response within a reasonable time
 I question with closed questions
I move calmly  
I leave the quiet student who works
 I reward and I reinforce the behavior adapted
 I do not know appropriate behaviors jump danger
 I avoid things that can be a fun activity after a disturbance


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