Wednesday, April 8, 2009

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It is rare to only hear about autism. The various writings autism rely on terms such as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD), autism, autism spectrum disorders (ASD) Autistic Syndrome. Recent data from scientific research show that there are different genetic causes, metabolic, neurological autism. We therefore speak of autism S .

When you mention disorder, spectrum, autistic syndrome, it is always about autism, but as regards the designation of persons in whom autism is diagnosed, one should be cautious.
Indeed, it is not uncommon to hear of the "autistic" or "autistic", the person is then summarized in a single characteristic: its difference. Even if we agreed with Kanner that "these children are born with an innate inability to form relationships with people emotionally usual, as some children are born with an innate physical or intellectual disability," it is unacceptable summarize the individual child, the student with a disability. After all, no one allows himself to use the term "chestnut hair" "green eyes" or "tall people" to designate a group of people with these characteristics.
goes same for autism.
people in difficulty of vocabulary should know that it is possible (and desirable) to talk about people with autism. An individual in the politically correct thinking will use the terminology "person with autism" or "person with autism". Recent research showing the variety of causes could guide us towards using more precise "Person with Autism" or "people with autism."


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