Saturday, April 4, 2009

Daddy Adopt Illegal Cp Free

Fencing is not only a great sport to watch!

The joys of learning a language is that we learn every day. As I often say "you Think You Know But You do not" basically, you think you know but actually you're still ignorant.

The joy of learning a language Is That We Learn Something New Every Day. Usually I have say, "You Think You Know But You do not".

For example, in English, the word signifie fencing fencing or fence .... That explains it.
In french, the etymology of the word comes from the old fencing french escremie itself derived from Frankish "skirmjan" meaning: to defend, protect . I guess
that Americans, seeing this sport for the first time, had to ask, but why they are on the fence to the face ... or maybe the origin of the word for this sport.

For instance, in Français, The Word fencing has double meaning: it Describes The Sport featuring combat using swords (Among Others) goal as well What is Supposed to Be Around your house, at least in France, in the U.S., has Lots of houses have to Have a fence.

If you're wondering if we have fencing practice last week, the answer is no.
However, we did install a new fence around our property, a fence .
To tell you a little background, when nous avons emmenage dans notre maison, il s'est avere qu'elle avait un grand terrain. Cependant, le jardin etait "coupe en deux", avec toute une partie cloturee separement du reste de la maison. En gros on avait deux petits terrains:

Now, if you are wondering if we did practice fencing last week, the answer is no. However, we decided to install a new fence around our house. To put you in context, when we moved to our new home, it appeared that this house had a huge backyard, but you could not notice it because it was "cut" in half, one part of the garden had an ugly fence all around it.

Premier terrain avec la maison et une belle cloture en bois:
First part of the field, with a pretty wood fence and The House Itself

The garage in the middle of two lots:
The Two car garage in between:

The second field with an iron grating, not very Elegant: The second part
of the Field, With A Not So Elegant foil fence:

So we decided for a nice wooden fence around the house including the garage.

We Decided to replace The fence foil, and link to The Two fields all together, Including The Garage.

The fence was removed and the poles installed:
Fence is gone, wood post are in:

After two days of "rain" that has prevented us from coming to work, they came four or five hours to finish the job.
After Two Days of "rain" that prevented the Crew to come and work this project is, They Came With oven yesterday to five persons, and finish The Work.


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