Saturday, February 21, 2009

Marshmallow Bow And Arrow

Kuch Kuch Hota Hai with the furniture ...

For those concerned about the state of my furniture Here are some updates:

1. I finished painting the cabinet earlier this week - after much scratching - it gives me a lesson
2. I bought a product to its finish - a sort of lacquer. Ivan advise me to assemble the furniture before applying

For Those Who Worry About my furniture , here are some updates:

1. I finished furniture to Paint the Beginning of last week - after a nice session of scratching - something I Will not Forget definitively For the next project
2. I bought The coating to Apply To The furniture for a smooth "finish". Ivan recommended to assemble The Furniture Before Applying it

3. It was a good idea ... in fact, trying to assemble the furniture today, light technical problem: it does more fitting! The layers of paint (remember you ... I did not pull his punches) were reserrees mouths, made them smaller and, consequently, impossible to reseat. Fortunately, the physicist service is ... My technique was at the beginning of the grater inside mouths until the paint disappears, to be able to re-nesting. Good. It does not really work, and then, it's still pretty long. The physicist who shares my life said that according to Newton's theory, if you hit with a hammer, not directly on the stand (because the item is very fragile) at a point, but on a wooden plank, the impact will start on this surface and will not damage the furniture, and have the same effect: Stick the top piece on the bottom. I replied: I'm sure it will peter furniture, not question! Et puis, j'ai dit: ok, on essaye mais si tu me petes mon meuble, on va chez Ikea pour le remplacer.

3. It was a good idea...Indeed, when trying to assemble it today, slight technical problem: it did not fit together anymore! The paint layers (remember...I was heavy handed) tightened the openings, openings became smaller and consequently, no way to re-assemble the furniture. Luckily, I live with a physician, I mean physicist. My first thought was to scratch (again) the inside of the openings, to remove the layers of paints. Well, it didn't really work and it was a bit time consuming. The physicist explained me that according to Newton , if we hammer the furniture using a long piece have cushion of wood, The Impact Will we distribute Itself The Whole Will not damage surface and The Furniture, while fitting together pieces of wood The Two. To Which I Replied: I am SURE Will Break The Furniture With The impact, no way! (The Wood's Quality is very basic). Then, I said: Ok, we'll try, to break it if, We Will go to Ikea and You Will replace it.

Conclusion: Newton was right, stand placement without having been damaged - damage, I would have been a walk in Swedish ...

Conclusion: Newton WAS RIGHT, furniture has been "re-assembled Without damages - too bad, I Would Have Loved to visit my fellow Swedish friends ...

Ivan ps I explained the theory of Newton with heels sinking into the mud, and although I immediately understood.

Explained Ivan ps me the Newton theory with High heels shoes Which Sink Into the mud, well, it made sense to me Much More!


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