Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pulse In Stomach Stronger During Pregnancy

Pre-Estreno "El Jardin de las Delicias" Fernando Arrabal, Tanners Theatre

"The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Fernando Arrabal

Rosario Ruiz Rodgers Production Project Teatro Bufo And Tanners
Supported Community of Madrid.

On Wednesday January 26th at 20:30 will take place on pre-release

ONE OF the most compelling works of theater world Panic
In this work, the Author and the Company represents what has been said.
-Nominated for the Nobel and exposed to mockery, Arrabal is the cultural universe of all the isms of the last five years.
-fusion, avant-garde look and the mirror of our culture's most progressive and close. "Just Arrabal
metaphysical disguises of daily life with his poetry of genius wise.
- Who is the greatest living English playwright represented around the world? Fernando Arrabal

"Who is one of the playwrights underrepresented in Spain?
-Fernando Arrabal
-An orphanage, a forest, a magician, a man-beast, a sheep, an actress, a friend and a universe.
-A production that focuses on the soul of the actor and word, evocative blend of impossible worlds.
- It's time to stand up with Arrabal and be highly demanding challenge for his acting.
- "The Garden of Earthly Delights" has only been able to produce a spirit panic stripped open, wasteful and aware of the need to reshuffle our society. "A great
Arrabal, brutal, surprising. Written in the year 67, it appears that, as preserved, is now seen more intensely than before.
"The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. The (dream) Arrabal, produce stars.
-Sing, laugh, drink, suffer, cry, dream.
-Life in its most profound flows in this "garden de las Delicias "arrabaliano.
"A theater that bet, risking, who dares to Arrabal.
-four actors on stage unlocking the world panic.
Arrabal We do not know if you know the meaning of life. But the meaning of life is dissected by the poet Fernando Arrabal genius to look innocent and therefore terrible.

www.curtidoresteatro.com / eljardin

Contact: Rachel Thomas
609 082 369

TANNEURS Rosario THEATRE Ruiz Rodgers 608644496-914670650 http://www.curtidoresteatro.com/


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